Journey / RE Behavioural Platform

Journey Replay is a SAAS platform that collects, analyses and builds predictive models around behavioural data from your users. You only need to include a snippet of javascript to enable data collection. Define target goal pages and activities and Journey will automatically build machine learning models to help you predict outcomes and user intentions as well as categorise users and help you make decisions based on users' behaviours.

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Fast Integration for Web Apps

Deploy a small javascript library, and behavioural data will begin flowing. There is no interruption to your existing application operation or flow.

User Behavioural Data

Get deep insight into your application workflow, and how users are experiencing the UX. Journey's form insight tools let you see deeply into keyboard, mouse and navigation behaviours, and use them for machine learning modeling.


Define web pages and behaviours in your application, and Journey will automatically build and test predictive machine learning models.

Include or Exclude PII

You choose which information gets collected and used to modeling. If your end user data is subject to privacy laws, then turn off PII and Journey will only keep anonymised behavioural data.